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Fixed in 2022.3.17f1, 2023.2.5f1, 2023.3.0a19



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Issue ID




Cannot move the Scene view Camera with the Middle Mouse Button when the Scene window is not active



How to reproduce:

# Create a new project
# Activate any other window but the Scene window
# Move the Scene view Camera with the Middle Mouse Button
# Observe the Scene window

Expected results: The Scene view Camera moves with the Middle Mouse Button
Actual results: The Scene view Camera does not move with the Middle Mouse Button

Reproducible in: 2022.3.14f1, 2023.2.2f1, 2023.3.0a16
Not reproducible in: 2021.3.33f1, 2022.3.13f1

Reproduced on: macOS 12.6.1 (M1, 2020)
Not reproduced on: Windows 11

Note: The Right Mouse Button reactivates the Scene view window

Comments (9)

  1. slippyfrog

    Jul 16, 2024 06:58

    opp - please disregard, my last comment. I posted my initial reply onto the wrong issue and can't delete it.

  2. slippyfrog

    Jul 16, 2024 06:44

    I've seen some posts about this being caused by invalid use of delaycall:

    Having said that, I'm not explicitly using delayed call in any of my code or in any third party code but am still observing the issue in 2022.3.37

  3. gooby429

    May 07, 2024 13:33

    Still happening in the latest 2022.27......

    Left clicking sometimes works, middle mouse click to pan never works

  4. Prahelika07

    Feb 12, 2024 08:39

    I am currently using 2022.3.19f1 and middle button still causing issue. Out of 10 clicks, hardly 2 or 3 times will work, rest of the time it doesn't work.

  5. ejimenezb

    Jan 23, 2024 10:45

    It just happened to me in 2022.3.16f1. But restarting Unity has solved it.

  6. MohamedTun

    Jan 11, 2024 12:39

    In 2022.3.13f1 and other 2021, 2023 versions when I click on an object with middle mouse it get in focus but in 2022.3.15f1, 2022.3.17f1 won't !

  7. MohamedTun

    Jan 11, 2024 12:36

    The issue still appears in unity 2022.3.17f1 on windows but working fine with 2022.3.13f1 and other 2021, 2023 versions

  8. VictoireBu

    Dec 14, 2023 16:04

    @MartinW Going back to the 2022.3.13f1 version fix the issue

  9. MartinW

    Dec 08, 2023 17:02

    The mouse doesn't respond in the scene view. This occurs when trying to pan, zoom, orbit, or select objects. Tried restarting Unity and using a different mouse, but the problem persists. Any known workarounds?

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