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Camera preview shows only Skybox with forward rendering path



Camera preview shows only Skybox with forward rendering path and perspective projection or ortographic projection and both forward and deferred rendering paths.
Happens when there a skybox is set to the material in Scene Lighting settings.

Reproduction steps:

1. Open the project
2. Select Main Camera game object
3. Select Forward Rendering Path
4. Check preview screen in scene view
5. Check what's on game view

Expectation: same view
What happens: in preview window, only skybox is being shown

Reproduced on: 5.5.0b8, 5.5.0f1, 5.5.2f1, 5.6.0a1, 5.6.0b9, 5.6.0b10, 2017.1.0a2
Regression on: 5.5.0b8.

Comments (1)

  1. nguyenanhtupro93

    Jul 13, 2017 08:02

    pls help me fix this issues. it is relly annoyed

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