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Building to WebGL takes very long time



Reproduction Steps:
1. Open user's or any other project
2. Build to WebGL
3. Notice that building stuck on compiling to C++ and then it takes about the same amount compiling to JS

Expected behaviour: Building takes considerable amount off time.
Actual results: It takes so much time, that users think it froze.

Reproduced in versions: Unity 5.4.0b12, 5.4.0b17, 5.4.0b18, 5.4.0b19
Not reproducible in versions: Unity 5.3.4f1 and 5.3.5f1 (takes some time, but does not stuck on one process)

Comments (3)

  1. infosekr

    Oct 18, 2017 23:23

    Not sure why this is marked as not reproducible. I'm trying to build to WebGL with Unity 5.6.3p4 and it appears frozen each time I build. When checking what's running I see optimizer.exe is running, but Unity's been waiting for it to complete for 20 minutes now and still counting. Would be nice if you include a progress for this, or a warning message that this may take a *long* time. optimizer.exe seems to only use 25% of my cpu (4 cores), so having this work multi-threaded would save a lot of time.

  2. ChromaDias

    Apr 17, 2017 12:56

    My poor computer is overheating! This needs to be an up front warning prior to installation of the webGL!!

  3. Renanmgs

    Aug 10, 2016 21:00

    This is freaking me out!!

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