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Fixed in 6000.0.9f1



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Issue ID




Build Profiles - Add Build Profile: Section grows/becomes bigger according to the longest build profile title



How to reproduce:
# Create a new project
# Go to "File" ->"Build Profiles"
# Select any platform from the list
# Click the "Add Build Profile" button
# Verify, that the build profile becomes created
# Go to Project -> Assets -> Settings and find your created build profile
# Select it and rename it to a longer title
# Return to the "Build Profiles" window and observe how the "Add Build Profile" section changed.

Actual result: The section changes according to the title. It became bigger. And it happens each time when the title becomes updated. An attachment is added below in the "Attachments" section.
Expected result: Title should be shortened with " ....". Section size/width should stay the same.

Reproducible with:  2023.3.0b1, 2023.3.0b4
Not reproducible with: 2023.3.0a19.

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