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Black random circle is rendered on a GameObject when a shadow is cast on it



How to reproduce:
1. Open the "IN_45853" project
2. Open the "OutdoorsScene"
3. Zoom in to the "Plane" GameObject
4. Observe the Scene view

Expected result: no random black circle is rendered on a "Plane" GameObject
Actual result: random black circle is rendered on a "Plane" GameObject

Reproducible with: 2021.3.28f1, 2022.3.4f1, 2023.1.2f1, 2023.2.0a21

Reproducible on: Windows 10 Pro

- Issue is not present if "Plane (1)" GameObject is moved and no shadow is cast on a "Plane" GameObject
- The same black circle is rendered on other GameObjects
- Reproducible in the Scene view, Game View and Player
- Not reproducible on URP

  1. Resolution Note:

    Working as intended.

    The issue is caused by the current implementation of directional shadow maps. We use cascaded shadow maps.

    Each cascade is basically a sphere around the camera. Outside the last cascade, everything is unshadowed.

    If you set up your directional light shadows so that there is an object at the edge of the last cascade, the part of the object outside the last cascade (sphere) will be unshadowed.

    Inside the sphere, it may be shadowed, which is indeed the case in your scene setup.

    The reason the black circle is sharp is because, in your setup, the last cascade does not have a border.

    The distance, the number of cascades, and their borders can be configured in the shadow volume override:

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