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Fixed in 2022.1.X

Fixed in 2020.3.X, 2021.2.X



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Issue ID




AsyncGPUReadback.RequestIntoNativeArray causes InvalidOperationException on NativeArray

Visual Effects


How to reproduce:
1. Open the attached project named "Case_129547"
2. Open the TestScene2 in the Scenes folder
3. Enter Play mode
4. Observe the Console Window

Expected result: No errors are thrown on entering the Play mode
Actual result: InvalidOperationException on NativeArray error is thrown

Reproducible with: 2020.1.17f1, 2020.2.1f1, 2021.1.0a10
Could not test with: 2018.4.30f1, 2019.4.17f1(Missing script references)

Reproducible with graphics APIs: D3D11, D3D12, Vulkan, OpenGLCore

1. Does not reproduce on all machines

  1. Resolution Note (fix version 2022.1):

    Fixed in: 2022.1.0a12

  2. Resolution Note (fix version 2021.2):

    Fixed in Unity 2021.2.2f1

  3. Resolution Note (fix version 2020.3):

    Fixed in - 2020.3.23f1

Comments (15)

  1. thebarryman

    Sep 13, 2023 02:20

    Still appears to be broken.

  2. nicbarkeragain

    May 11, 2023 03:25

    This is still happening when trying to read a rendertexture to a nativearray in 2021.3.15f1.

  3. gregoire_unity128

    Jun 07, 2022 15:29

    I just encountered this issue, too. On 2022.1.3f1. lots of trouble for array copy, guys...

  4. LooperVFX

    Oct 09, 2021 01:54

    "Hi all, the fix has finally landed in 2022.1.0a12.
    This means the backports will now be unblocked and can land in the main releases."
    - richardkettlewell @ Unity Technologies, Monday October 4th 2021

  5. wusticality

    Sep 01, 2021 21:31

    Is there any update on this? The status hasn't changed since May.

  6. qijen

    Aug 18, 2021 04:29

    Need to be fixed on 2019.4.

  7. iamarugin

    Aug 06, 2021 08:44

    2020.3 when?

  8. unity_nDI54UEnEZerWg

    Aug 01, 2021 10:47

    Request to fix this issue on 2020.3.X.

  9. miknios

    May 29, 2021 07:56

    Please fix :)

  10. LooperVFX

    May 18, 2021 20:27

    @wojimus this bug has been known since 2020, not 2015. AsyncGPUReadback wasn't a class in Unity until 2018 and RequestIntoNativeArray wasn't a method until 2019. It's impossible for a feature to have bugs before it even existed.

    In any case, we can see on the issue tracker here the "Fix is in Review" meaning a fix has already been made internally, and is almost ready to release publicly. It's just going through a quality testing process. more info here:

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