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AssetBundle Materials are missing keywords in Builds when AssetBundles were built in older Unity version
How to reproduce:
1. Open the "1428476_Repro" project from GoogleDrive (link in the Edit) in Unity 2019.4.39f1
2. Build AssetBundle by going Builds->Build AssetBundle
3. Relaunch the project in Unity 2021.3
4. Build the "SceneLoader" Scene
5. From the "Assets" folder move the "Builds" folder to the "Built_Project_Root_Folder/Example Project_Data" folder
6. Launch the built project
Expected results: The rabbit is transparent
Actual results: The rabbit is opaque
Reproducible with: 2021.2.18f1, 2021.3.19f1, 2022.2.9f1, 2023.1.0b4, 2023.2.0a2
Not reproducible with: 2019.4.39f1, 2020.3.35f1, 2021.2.17f1
Fixed in: 2021.3.20f1, 2022.2.10f1 2023.1.0b5, 2023.2.0a3
Reproduced on:
Windows 10
- The issue is not reproducible in the Editor
Comments (10)
Jan 05, 2024 18:38
This started happening again! Trying to load assetbundles from older versions in 2021.3.32f1 builds fails with the material keywords
Jan 01, 2024 10:43
Having this issue uprgading from 2021 LTS to 2022 LTS
Addressables fail to get loaded, even after library rebuild, clean build, using local host/build
please help!
Apr 24, 2023 12:33
So am I.
Mar 09, 2023 16:51
Bumping this. It's still an issue.
Mar 09, 2023 14:05
Any updates on this? There are other fixes and features my application cannot realize due to this issue.
Mar 08, 2023 23:15
I've been waiting on this issue to be addressed for a while now. I really need this addressed so that my team can continue development. Any updates would be really appreciated!
Mar 08, 2023 23:11
Waiting on updates for this one.
Mar 08, 2023 23:10
When will this be fixed? I'm running into other issues now that can't be fixed without upgrading but this is a blocker for me, I have too many asset bundles to possibly migrate. Please get this in a release soon!
Feb 01, 2023 17:14
Any Updates on this as i am also facing the same
Oct 26, 2022 13:45
Waiting on this issue to update mobile apps and be able to keep up with new features. Please address as soon as possible, thank you.
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Resolution Note:
Duplicate of another internal issue: UUM-26498: Materials built in 2019.3 cannot be loaded directly by 2021.3 player builds without losing serialized keywords