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Fixed in 4.6.X



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ArgumentOutOfRangeException when clicking on the cursor in the multiline input field.



Steps to reproduce :

- import the uGUI project for beta 12
- open the "Widgets" scene and press play
- in the Multiline input field write "This is a test."
- select the input field in the Hierarchy and set it to "Best fit"
- set the min size to 300
- click on the typing cursor left in the field and notice the error

Comments (2)

  1. WonderWorkshop

    May 26, 2015 22:51

    I have reproduced this in Unity 5.0.1f1

  2. Tor-Vestergaard

    Apr 08, 2015 03:40

    This issue has been reintroduced in Unity 5.

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