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[APV] Live Update Preview does not work as expected



*Steps to reproduce:*

1. Create a project using URP ({_}Universal 3D Core{_} template), and an empty scene

2. Set the _LightProbeSystem_ to _Adaptive Probe Volume_ instead of {_}Light Probe Group{_}s in the URP Asset

3. Create a cube at the origin in the scene, make it static

4. Save the Scene

5. Create an _Adaptive Probe Volume_ at the origin in the scene

6. Hide the Lighting Window if opened, either by closing it or by selecting another tab if docked beside other tabs. 

7. Using the {_}Rendering Debugger{_}, in the Probe Volume section enable _Display Bricks_ (make sure the gizmos are enabled in the viewport) and the _Live Updates._ This option is supposed to display bricks in the viewport to preview the probe placement. 

8. Notice that we are not seing any bricks in the scene even when _Live Updates_ is enabled

9. Save the scene again (now that the Adaptive Probe Volume is created) AND open/focus on the Adaptive Probe Volume Tab in the Lighting Window

10. Notice the bricks that are now correctly displayed in the viewport, previewing the probes placement, once both conditions from the previous step have been met.

11. Notice the pop-up window with the progress bar labeled "Generating Probe Volume Bricks." This window won't close automatically, and if you close it manually, it will break the Live Updates mechanism.

*Actual results:* 
Bricks are not shown until the scene is saved and the Adaptive Probe Volume Tab is opened and in focus.
A pop-up window is shown and does not close. 

*Expected results:* 
The bricks are automatically displayed when enabling the option in the Rendering Debugger, regardless of whether the scene has been saved or the state of the Lighting Window. No pop-up is shown.

*Reproducible with versions:* 

*Not reproducible with versions:* 

*Can’t test with versions:* 

*Tested on (OS):* 


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