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Animator node- Inconsistent transition representation for multiple transitions to self. 



Many small arrows appear for multiple transitions to self. This does not follow the default format where three triangles represents multiple transitions between states.
# Create a new Unity project and add a new GameObject to the sample scene
# Add an animator component to this object using the inspector 
# Create a new animator controller in the project window and drag this into the animator controller field reference
# Open up the Animator window: Window => Animation => animator
# Create a blank new state by right clicking the animator controller window: Create state =:> empty
# Right click on this new node and select create transition then click on the new node again- a white arrow should appear beneath the node
# Repeat this numerous times until multiple white arrows are visible stacked on top of each other (refer to picture B for guidance)

Expected result: The state shows either a single arrow pointing to itself or a three arrow representation where three white triangles appear below the node pointing to itself from the bottom of the node. 

Actual result: Multiple white triangle stack on top of each other underneath the node. 



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