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Animator does not reset the state of the Game Object if it was changed by an animation



To reproduce:
1. Open the "test" scene in the attached project
2. Note that "TestObject" which has an Animator component enabled, has two child objects: "GameObject" is active, "Problem" is inactive
3. Play the scene
4. Following the instructions on the screen (in the Game view):
4.1. Press the first button to set boolean values of parameters on Animator to true
4.2. Wait until "GameObject" becomes inactive and "Problem" - active, as a result of running an animation
4.3. Press the second button to set boolean values of parameters on Animator to false and to make "TestObject" inactive
4.4. Press the third button to make "TestObject" active again

Desired outcome: "GameObject" is active and "Problem" is inactive
Actual outcome: "GameObject" is inactive and "Problem" is active (the default state is not reset)

Reproduced with 5.5.1f1, 5.5.4p2, 5.6.2p3, 2017.1.0a1, 2017.1.0f3, 2017.2.0b3

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