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Fixed in 2019.2.X



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Animation window is really slow and lagging when using a lot of keyframes to edit animations



To reproduce:
1. Open users attached project "Unity Animation window"
2. Open Animation window
3. Expand "Crow.fbx" asset from Assets folder and select "Take 001.anim" animation asset
4. Observe the Animation window is lagging when trying to navigate in it

Expected result: the Animation window shouldn't lag
Actual result: the Animation windows lag to a point of not being able to work with it

Reproduced on:
2017.4.12f1 2018.1.9f2 2018.2.12f1 2018.3.0b5 2019.1.0a4

Duplicating the animation file "Take 001.anim" its size can increase to +100MB even though the main file "Crow.fbx" only takes 13.6MB of space.
Reproduced on MacOS and Win10 machines.
This especially can be experienced when viewing Animation Curves.

Comments (11)

  1. Marks4

    Aug 21, 2020 19:19

    Hm, this issue is not fixed anymore on Unity 2020.1 . It's really slow and laggy.

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