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[AMD-only][Animation][GLCore] Memory leak and crash having high poly meshes with animations

Graphics - General


Steps to reproduce:

1. Open Unity with command line argument -force-glcore (or 4.5 or 4.0)
2. Download and import attached project. (
3. Open scene: Animation-lag
4. Make sure your game view is not a separate window.
5. Play.
6. Move with mouse around.
7. Resize the Unity window or disattach game view, or change the layout in any way.
8. Move again with mouse around.
9. Look at task manager or any other app to inspect the used RAM by process.

Expected result: Memory allocation does not grow when moving with mouse around.
Actual result: Memory leaks somewhere, used RAM does not stop growing until it crashes Unity editor on DrvPresentBuffers

Notes: reproduces with both 4.5 and 4.0 OpenGL versions

Regression from: 5.3.3f1 (910d71450a97)
Reproduced on: 5.4.0b14, 5.3.4f1

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