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Duplicate in 2019.4.X, 2020.1.X



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Animator controller state doesn't display any information in Inspector after project upgrade



To reproduce:
1. Download this project "New Unity"
2. Click on the EnemyAnimatorController
3. Notice that the Move, Death and Idle states don't display anything in the Inspector.
4. Same for the Transitions from AnyState to Death or for the Move to Idle transition

Expected results: Information about Animator controller state is displayed in the Inspector
Actual results: Animator controller states do not display any information in the Inspector window

Reproducible with:
2019.3.15f1, 2019.4.0f1, 2020.1.0b12, 2020.2.0a13

Cannot repro with:
2018.4.23f1, 2019.3.0a2, 2019.3.0b1 , 2019.3.10f1, 2019.3.14f1

Note: After upgrading a project from 2018.3 to 2019.3, Animator states and transitions, when selected, don't display any information.
-This happens for some animator controllers that are imported from with a several projects. So far, i found the same issue in: 2D Roguelike, Mechanim Examples and Survival Shooter.
-Not reproducible for a new animator controller made with 2018.3
-There's also an animator controller there called "new" which was made fresh with 2020.1 that does display all the information in the Inspector so this is very likely an upgrade bug.

Comments (6)

  1. ozzy_oz

    Aug 06, 2023 22:06

    still happening on 2020.3.31f1

  2. BroVodo

    May 22, 2022 02:07

    This issue still exists in 2020.3.32 and is easily repro'd. Create a new project, new Animator controller and add a state. Then create a transition. This causes the state's UI to disappear.

  3. MangeyD

    Jun 24, 2020 13:50

    I am having the same issue in 2019.3.15f with my Invector animation controllers. Some I imported from an earlier project but even the default ones that come with Invector can't be modified and don't show any information in the inspector. I have re-installed Invector and it makes no difference.

    Cab we get some comments on if this is being looked at and fixed. Thanks

  4. chaneya

    Jun 12, 2020 19:36

    If this is a duplicate issue, why is there no link provided to the duplicated issue. And when will it be fixed.

  5. Ghetaldus

    Jun 08, 2020 17:35

    I have upgraded from 2019.3.13f1 to 2019.3.15f1 and have exactly the same issue. Most of animations and transitions show only blank inspector. Makes it pretty impossible working with animations like so.

  6. DiodorOFF

    Jun 04, 2020 21:30

    I think I have the same bug in our project, but I can say - I upgraded from 2019.3.14f version to 2019.3.15f, and almost all my animation states in the animator window now broken. I cannot view any info in the Inspector window and change animation to another. But I can add a new one clip (from the same fbx as not working) and it works perfectly fine

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