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Fixed in 2019.4.X



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Animation Control UI not displaying node Inspector in 2019.4.29

UI Toolkit


1. What happened
When upgrading to 2019.4.29 customer has discovered Animation Controllers are not displaying the Inspectors for nodes.
2. How we can reproduce it using the example you attached
a )Project attached is for 109.4.29
b) Open it
c) Look in the Animator window
d) Click on any of the nodes such as "Door_Open" in the "Rocket_Door" layer
e) Not that the Inspector is not showing anything for these nodes
f) Clean out the Library, and re-open in a previous version of Unity ( customer was using 2019.4.21 but 22 thru 28 also seem fine )
g) See that now the nodes above that failed Inspection work fine
Customer says operation is not affeccted, only the Editing.
Possible regression in Animator UI in 2019.4.29

  1. Resolution Note (fix version 2019.4):

    Verified as fix in 2019.4.31f1, mac. Using the attached project.

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