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Fixed in 2019.1.X



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Issue ID




[Android][Windows] Unity fails to build apk if Split Application Binary is enabled



How to reproduce:
1. Open attached "ReproFail" project
2. Build apk

Expected result - apk gets built
Actual result - apk fails to get built with following error message - "Failed to create a obb.ap_ package"

Reproducible with - 2019.1.0a8 (1b4cefc72074), 2019.1.0a7 (4474d51790a5)
Not reproducible with - 2019.1.0a6 (370df4c90d4b)

NOTE: This issue only reproduces on Windows machines (haven’t checked Linux).

Fixed in - 2019.1.0a10

Comments (6)

  1. Shouterspace

    Jun 16, 2021 14:15

    I am still getting this issue in linux can anybody please suggest some viable solutions to this.

  2. BloopTrangle

    Mar 24, 2021 21:13

    still a problem in 2018.4.30f1

  3. aytimothy

    Nov 25, 2020 14:50

    I seem to have another project, but I managed to replicate the problem in 2019.4.1 and 2018.4.29, but with a different project.

  4. cyrusjack

    Feb 02, 2020 06:40

    This issue is solved by the latest modification. I have tested in Windows and Linux Both ( )

  5. dotsquid

    Nov 23, 2019 11:13

    Same issue in 2018.4.12

  6. raul_tinca

    Sep 19, 2019 09:11

    Is this fixed on the 2018.4.x line ? Currently happening in 2018.4.4

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