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[Android] Resources aren't loaded when using multiple users feature



Steps to reproduce:
1. In the device go to Settings → System → “Multiple users” and enable “Allow multiple users”
2. Add and set up a second user if there’s not one
3. Switch to the second user
4. Open the “MultipleUsersBug” project
5. Select the device from the Run Device dropdown list and Build And Run

Expected result: shows “Resources Loaded” cube along with other GameObjects
Actual result: shows only the “Cube 1” GameObject

Reproducible with: 2021.3.39f1, 2022.3.33f1, 6000.0.6f1

Testing environment: macOS Sonoma 14.4.1 (Intel)
Not reproducible on: No other environment tested

Reproducible with devices:
VLNQA00460 - Google Pixel 6 (Pixel 6), CPU: Google Tensor (Whitechapel), GPU: Mali-G78, OS: 14
VLNQA00334 - Xiaomi Mi A3 (Mi A3), CPU: Snapdragon 665 SM6125, GPU: Adreno 610, OS: 11 (has Multiple users feature)

- If the project wasn’t built with “Build And Run” (like _adb install build.apk)_, it doesn’t upload the .obb files to the device, and the issue is reproducible with all devices
- Also reproducible with Guest user
- Couldn’t test with iOS as it doesn’t have Multiple users functionality

  1. Resolution Note:

    This is not the Unity problem. Separate users have isolated file spaces on the device and the second user can't read files from the main user storage. When installing an application for the second user using adb or from Unity (which also uses adb), OBB file gets copied to the file space for the main user and this looks like a Google bug. To check this just connect to the device and look at the "storage/Android/obb/com.DefaultCompany.sanitytest" folder in Internal shared storage for both users. Probably the same happens when the application is installed from Google Play. If copy OBB file manually to the device to "storage/Android/obb/com.DefaultCompany.sanitytest" for the second user as "", then the application starts working correctly.
    We recommend to use AAB format instead of APK+OBB, because it works for the second user without problems.

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