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[Android][GearVR/Cardboard] Custom Fog Shader looks distorted when using Single Pass Stereo



How to reproduce:
1. Open the user attached project
2. Go to File --> Build Settings --> Player Settings
3. Go to XR Settings and change Multi Pass Stereo method to Single Pass, make sure that Oculus or Cardboard would be used as VR SDK
4. Build and run to device and launch it with GearVR/Cardboard

Expected result: Custom fog shader is not distorted, looks like in Desktop or when built with Daydream SDK
Actual result: Custom fog shader looks distorted

Reproducible with - 2018.1.0b4, 2017.3.0p2, 2017.2.1p2, 2017.2.0a1

1. Only happens with Single Pass Stereo enabled, does not happen with Multi Pass
2. Bug is reproducing with GearVR or Cardboard , does not reproduce with Daydream (tested with Samsung Galaxy Note 8)

Devices tested:

Reproducible with:
Google Pixel*, OS:8.1.0, CPU:arm64-v8a, GPU:Adreno (TM) 530, Build:google/sailfish/sailfish:8.0.0/OPR3.170623.007/4286350:user/release-keys
Samsung SMG920F(Galaxy S6)*,OS:7.0,CPU:arm64-v8a,GPU:Mali-T760,Build:samsung/zerofltexx/zeroflte:7.0/NRD90M/G920FXXS5EQFD:user/release-keys
Samsung SM N950U1*,OS:7.1.1, CPU:arm64-v8a, GPU:Adreno (TM) 540, Build:samsung/greatqlteue/greatqlteue:7.1.1/NMF26X/N950U1UES2BQL2:user/release-keys
Xiaomi MI MAX*, OS:6.0.1, CPU:arm64-v8a, GPU:Adreno (TM) 510, Build:Xiaomi/hydrogen/hydrogen:6.0.1/MMB29M/V7.5.1.0.MBCCNDE:user/release-keys

  1. Resolution Note:

    XR Management has evaluated this issue and determined that it does not meet our current bug severity threshold. If you would like your issue to be reviewed again, please re-submit your bug.

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