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Fixed in 5.5.0



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[Android] Crash on changing bundle indentifier in project settings

Deployment Management


Steps to reproduce:
1. Create new project
2. Don't make any changes and build it for Android platform
--Warning pops and tells you to change bundle id
3. Change bundle id to any (e.g. asd.asd.asd )
4. Build again
5. After successful build go to assets store and download '2D Roguelike' package
6. Import only 'Project Settings'
7. Don't make any changes and build it for Android platform again
--Warning pops and tells you to change bundle id
8. Try to change bundle id again

Results: Editor crashes. Reproduces every time when following reproduction steps.

Note: Couldn't reproduce on 5.3.4 as Android build tools wasn't available to download

Reproduced with: 5.2.4f1; 5.4.0b07; 5.4.0b18

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