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Fixed in 2020.2.X



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Android build fails when "Android SDK Command-line tools" is not installed, and reading the error dialog doesn't make it obvious



Steps to reproduce:

1. Download Android Studio (in this case 3.6.1 was used)
2. Download Android SDK as you normally would
3. Open Unity
4. Set platform to Android
5. Under Unity > Preferences... > External Tools uncheck "Android SDK Tools Installed with Unity (recommended)
6. Select Android SDK you just installed using Android Studio
7. Try to Build & Run on a device

Expected result: Editor fails to Build & Run because CLI tools are missing, shows an informative error dialog which explains what action needs to be taken
Actual result: Editor fails with "Android SDK is outdated" error message that says "SDK Tools version 0.0 < 26.1.1"

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