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Fixed in 2018.3.X
Fixed in 2017.4.X, 2019.1.X
Found in
Issue ID
[Android] App crashes when invoking Java Proxy while the app is in the background
Repro steps:
1. Open QA attached project "repro_1126040""
2. Open scene "Sample Scene"
3. Build and Run on Android
4. Press the left button
5. Press the right button "Quit"
Actual: After some time the app crashes
Reproducible with: 2018.3.0b4, 2018.3.8f1, 2019.1.0b7, 2019.2.0a8
Not reproducible with: 2017.4.23f1, 2018.3.0b3
Tested and reproduced on these devices:
VLNQA00027, Xiaomi MI MAX (MI MAX), Android 7.0, CPU: Snapdragon 617 MSM8952, GPU: Adreno (TM) 510
VLNQA00150, Samsung Galaxy S9 (SM-G960U), Android 8.0.0, CPU: Snapdragon 845 SDM845, GPU: Adreno (TM) 630
VLNQA00078, Motorola Nexus 6 (Nexus 6), Android 7.1.1, CPU: Snapdragon 805 APQ8084AB, GPU: Adreno (TM) 420
Didn't reproduce on this device:
VLNQA00034, Lge Nexus 4 (Nexus 4), Android 5.1.1, CPU: Snapdragon S4 Pro APQ8064, GPU: Adreno (TM) 320
Fixed in: 2019.2.0a11
Backported to: 2017.4.26f1, 2018.3.13f1, 2019.1.0b11
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Jan 06, 2022 09:51
create dynamic proxy instance
call native method and pass the proxy instance as a parameter
use jni to invoke some method on proxy instance
App code:
val target = object : ProxyTest {
override fun testVoid() {
Log.e(TAG, "testVoid: ")
override fun testString(): String {
Log.e(TAG, "testString: ")
return "hello"
val proxy = Proxy.newProxyInstance(
classLoader, arrayOf(
) { proxy, method, args ->
// if open code below, it will crash on all device
// if not open, it will crash only on android 6.0, mostly on Vivo Y67
//val myargs = args ?: emptyArray()
//method.invoke(target, *myargs)
} as ProxyTest
interface ProxyTest {
fun testVoid()
fun testString(): String
Native code:
extern "C"
Java_com_aprz_mytestdemo_jni_JNIInvokeProxyMethodActivity_invokeProxyMethod(JNIEnv *env,
__unused jobject thiz,
jobject proxy) {
jclass proxy_class = env->GetObjectClass(proxy);
// jmethodID test_void_method_id = env->GetMethodID(proxy_class, "testString", "()Ljava/lang/String;");
jmethodID test_void_method_id = env->GetMethodID(proxy_class, "testVoid", "()V");
LOGD("jmethodId = %d", test_void_method_id == nullptr);
jvalue *args = {};
jobject obj = env->NewLocalRef(proxy);
env->CallVoidMethodA(obj, test_void_method_id, args);
Apr 10, 2019 05:25
Couldn't find a fixture in Unity 2018.3.12
When can we expect the newer version pleasE?
Apr 08, 2019 18:19
2018.3.12f1 was just released and I cant find this issue on the release notes, so I guess the fix didnt make on this version
Apr 04, 2019 23:09
Related thread:
Fixed, expected to be released on 2018.3.12f1
Mar 14, 2019 14:04
"Not reproducible with: 2017.4.23f1, 2018.3.0b3"
This is not entirely true. With 2018.3.0b3 we have in 5 times less crashes, but still have.
LeMobile Le X829 and Xiaomi Mi A2
samsung SM-G361H
Sony G3313
samsung SM-J200GU