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Fixed in 1.3.0



Found in [Package]


Issue ID




Addressables - Profile becomes inaccessible when given a name consisting only of a space

Package: Addressables


If you create an addressables profile with a name consisting of only a space character, it won't be accessible in the profiles list.

1. Open Unity
2. Open the attached project
3. In Project View, select Assets/AddressableAssetsData/AddressableAssetSettings.asset
4. In the Inspector, under Profiles, add a new profile
5. Change the name of the profile to a single character, a space
6. Confirm the new name
7. Open the "Profile To Edit" drop down and select the default profile
8. Open the "Profile To Edit" drop down again

Expected Result:
All profiles should be shown and should be selectable.

Actual Result:
The profile created in step 4 is not shown and is not accessible.

Tested on Windows.

Occurs on preview-1.1.0

  1. Resolution Note (fix version 1.3.0):

    User can no longer name a profile with a "space". They can use special characters or symbols.

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