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[Addressables] Exception is being thrown when Addressables.UpdateCatalogs is being called



Reproduction steps:

1. Open the attached project “SampleProject”
2. In the project, navigate to “Assets/Scenes” and open “TestScene”
3. Open the Build Settings and switch to either of the 3 build targets reported (MacOS, Android, or iOS)
4. Enable the Development Build option in the Build Settings
5. Make a build
6. Deploy to your chosen device
7. Connect the Unity Console to the application (for Android use Android Studio, for iOS use Xcode)
8. In the application, you should see 2 buttons. “Run Test” and “Stop Test”. Press the “Run Test” button, give it a few seconds then click “Stop Test”
9. Look at the Application log

Expected result: The catalog update would be attempted without issue
Actual result: The catalog update fails with an exception that seems to suggest it cannot find the path to the cache

Reproducible with: 2021.3.18f1, 2022.2.5f1, 2023.1.0b2, 2023.2.0a3
Could not test with: 2020.3.42f1 (Feature 'target-typed object creation' is not available in C# 8.0)

Reproducible on: MacOS 12.2.1 (Intel)

1) If you wish to reproduce again, you shall need to uninstall and reinstall the application again
2) When building with Android, the build may fail on point d with a message saying the build is unsigned. If this happens, navigate to "Project Settings -> Player -> Publishing Settings" and set up a keystore which you can then sign with a password. Following this, you should be able to build.

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