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[Addressables] Content update workflow does not update previous builds

Package: Build Pipeline - Addressables


How to reproduce:
1. Open the user-supplied project "BugDone.7z"
2. Open the Addressables Groups window (Window > Asset Management > Addressables > Groups)
3. In the Addressables Groups window, click Build > New Build > Default Build Script
4. Build the "Test" Scene on Standalone, open the build and notice the cube in the Scene
5. Close the Player, then Navigate to the Project window and locate the Cube prefab in the Assets folder
6. Change the Cube's scale to (2, 2, 2), then in the Addressables Groups window, click Tools > Check for Content Update Restrictions
7. Select "addressables_content_state.bin" in Assets/AddressableAssetsData/OSX, then press Apply Changes
8. Navigate to Assets/AddressableAssetsData/AssetGroups in the Project window and inspect "Content Update.asset"
9. In the Inspector window, under Content Packing & Loading, change the Load Path to <custom> and enter this: \{UnityEngine.Application.persistentDataPath}/com.unity.addressables
10. In the Addressables Groups window, press Build > Update a Previous Build, then select "addressables_content_state.bin" in the OSX folder
11. In Finder, copy the three files under "BugDone/ServerData/StandaloneOSX" to the "Users/<user>/Library/Application Support/DefaultCompany/bug/com.unity.addressables" folder
12. Relaunch the previously built application

Expected result: the cube remains in the Scene and is twice as big
Actual result: the cube is no longer present in the Scene

Reproducible with: Addressables 1.7.5 (2020.2.0a8), 1.3.3 (2019.3.9f1)

1. Could not test on versions older than Addressables 1.3.3 since the reproduction steps need to be tweaked
2. There is a video attached in the edits showing the entire reproduction process

  1. Resolution Note:

    During the initial build, the user ends up with:
    - a catalog in the player
    - bundles in the player
    - an expected remote catalog on localhost

    The user then does an update build to make new bundles, and manually copies them into the local space. Two issues...
    1. This isn't really an officially supported workflow, as you can't actually do this with a released build. But it could work if done right.
    2. more importantly, the core issue is catalog updating. The local catalog remains unchanged, and there is no localhost set up, so the remote catalog cannot be pulled. Thus, when the app starts, it reads the old catalog, doesn't know about the new bigger cube, and can't find it.

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