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A PolybrushMesh with an AssetPostprocessor causes an Infinite Import Loop when file can't be overwritten



How to reproduce:
1. Open the attached "LockFileTest" project and setup perforce version control on it
2. Open "Boot" Scene from Assets > Scenes folder
3. Make sure that "Verify Saving Assets" in Preferences > General is unchecked
4. Mark Add and Submit the PolybrushMesh "Assets/Mesh/PolybrushMesh-1752.asset" to perforce
5. Open P4V with the same Workspace as used in the Editor
6. Find the "PolybrushMesh-1752.asset" file and in the right-click menu select "Change Filetype"
7. Add the Exclusive Checkout option (+l) and press OK
8. Submit the "PolybrushMesh-1752.asset" file
9. Open a different Workspace in P4V
10. Get the latest version of "PolybrushMesh-1752.asset" file
11. Check out the "PolybrushMesh-1752.asset" file
12. Get back to Unity Editor
13. Open "SampleScene" Scene from Assets > Scenes
14. Save (Ctrl-S)

Expected result: the Assets are saved successfully without any infinite import loops
Actual result: an infinite import loop occurs

Reproducible with: 2019.3.0a6, 2020.1.0b9, 2020.2.0a11
Not reproducible with: 2018.4.23f1, 2019.3.0a5
Could not test with: 2017.4.40f1 (project errors)

-This also reproduces when instead of saving in the 14th step a new Assets is created or an old one is deleted or submitted.
-The infinite import loop is usually stopped and an error is thrown except from 2019.3.0a6 to 2019.3.0b1 where no errors are thrown and the loop goes on seemingly forever

  1. Resolution Note:

    If user code is triggering import in postprocessors it will cause infinite import. It should be fixed in polybrush code.

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