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[2D][Animation] Skinning Editor bone and mesh Visibility sliders too short

Package: 2D Animation


How to reproduce:
1. Open the ““ project
2. Open the “Fei_Cel_group“ asset using Sprite Editor
3. Change the Mode to “Skinning Editor“ and toggle on “Visibility” in the Sprite Editor
4. Observe the Sliders in the Visibility section in the Sprite Editor

Expected result: The Sliders span is along the width of the Visibility section
Actual result: The Sliders are short

Reproducible in: 6000.0.0b11, 6000.0.11f1
Not reproducible in: 2021.3.40f1, 2022.3.38f1, 2023.3.0b10

Reproduced on: Windows 11 Pro (23H2)
Not reproduced on: No other environment tested

Note: The sliders are functional, but their length makes them barely usable

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