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Fixed in 1.1.0



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Issue ID




Tracked Properties update when Track Changes is unchecked

Package: Localization Package


1. Open attached project. (SampleScene)
2. Window -> Asset Management -> Localization Scene Controls.
3. Set the 'Active Locale' and ensure 'Track Changes' is unchecked.
4. Open Inspector for Canvas -> Text in Hierarchy and observe Game Object Localizer (Script). Expand all dropdowns in Tracked Objects.
5. With an Active Locale selected, move Canvas -> Text component in scene.

Alternatively, set up a new project with a localised UI element and ensure RectTransform is being tracked, then perform steps 2+

Expected Outcome: Tracked properties do not update when track changes is unchecked.
Actual Outcome: Tracked properties do update when trach changes is unchecked.

Please see attached .gif file for demonstration.

Reproducible in: Version 1.0.0-pre.11, 1.0.0-pre.10
Not reproducible in: Version 1.0.0-pre.9 (no track changes option found)

Tested in Editor 2022.1.0a8 on Windows 10

  1. Resolution Note (fix version 1.1.0):

    Tested on Editor Version: 2022.1.0a9.1212
    Revision: trunk 5a1ba9fbc92d
    Built: Fri, 10 Sep 2021 03:09:36 GMT

    Using package from fix/dont-add-new-variants-loc-380

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