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Fixed in 0.4.0-preview.1



Found in [Package]


Issue ID




Memory snapshot's input field is not focused when selecting Match for the first time

Package: Memory Profiler


How to reproduce:
1. Create a new project using the default 3D template
2. Import the Memory Profiler package
3. Open the Memory Profiler (Window -> Analysis -> Memory Profiler)
4. In the Memory Profiler window, take a memory snapshot
5. In the shown table, right-click a header and select "Match"
6. Try typing

Expected result: Typed text appears in the input field
Actual result: Typed text doesn't appear in the input field as it's not focused, even though there's a caret shown in the field

Reproducible with: 0.2.10-preview.1 (2019.4.29f1, 2020.3.17f1, 2021.1.18f1, 2021.2.0b9, 2022.1.0a5)

  1. Resolution Note (fix version 0.4.0-preview.1):

    Fixed in: 2019.4.30f1 (0.4.0-preview.1)

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