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Fixed in 1.3.0



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[XR][UWP] Any OpenXR layer will crash UnityOpenXR.dll on HoloLens2 when compiling with ARM32

Package: OpenXR Plugin


Reproduction steps:
1. Open project ""
2. Open Scene "SampleScene"
3. Open Build Settings in File > Build Settings
4. Select Platform "Universal Windows Platform" and build project
5. Open solution of built project
6. Change solution configuration from "Debug" to "Release" and set solution platform to ARM32
7. Open the Holographic Remoting Player app on the HoloLens 2
8. Copy the IP Address
9. Open Properties in Project > Properties
10. Select Debugging under Configuration Properties
11. Type the IP address in Machine Name
12. Build on Remote Machine
13. Observe console errors in Visual Studio solution

Expected result: No console errors found
Actual result: Console errors found

Reproducible with: 1.2.8 (2020.3.18f1, 2021.1.20f1, 2021.2.0b11)
Could not test with: 2019.4.29f1 (Package issues), 2022.1.0a7 (Build issues)

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