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Fixed in 1.6.3



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Issue ID




[Windows] InputValue of the scroll wheel changes with the step of ±120 when scrolling using Input System

Package: Input System


Reproduction steps:

# Open the attached “InputSystem” project
# Open the “InputManager” scene
# Enter the Play Mode
# Scroll the mouse wheel and observe the Game view

Expected result: The scroll wheel value changes with step of ±1
Actual result: The scroll wheel value changes with step of ±120

Reproducible with: 1.4.3, 1.4.4 (2020.3.42f1, 2021.3.15f1, 2022.1.24f1, 2022.2.1f1, 2023.1.0a22)

Reproduced on: Windows 10

Note: The issue is only reproducible on Windows. This is the result of how Microsoft implemented scroll wheel handling in their OS. More here: [||smart-link]

  1. Resolution Note (fix version 1.6.3):

    fixed in 2023.2.0a22

Comments (1)

  1. Tymianek

    May 29, 2024 11:51

    I can't find a WebGL issue for this.
    This issue is also reproducible while playing WebGL builds using a Windows machine.
    I'm using Unity 6000.0.1f1 and input system 1.8.2.

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