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Fixed in 0.20.X



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Issue ID




When exiting playmode blobs leak memory

Package: Entity Component System (ECS)


It seems like BlobAssets converted in subscene memory are never released after exiting playmode.


Repro Steps:
1. Switch dots repo branch too
2. In dots repository open sample project EntitiesSamples.
3. Open scene Avanced/BlobAssetScalable/BlobAssets.unity.
4. Open profiler and click memory section.
5. Click Take Sample PlayMode.
6. Check current memory usage in item Other/NativeArray.
7. Enter/Exit playmode ~3 times.
Expected Results: Memory did not changed much
Actual Results: Memory spiked quite a lot (Each playmode entering should increase memory by 800mb)

Version: 2020.3.12f1-dots.558.2020.3/partner/staging.299
Entities Package Revision: Master(24ce193cb4a46e5a5a53da2654a8d1b50005354a), 0.17.0-preview.42

  1. Resolution Note (fix version 0.20):

    Fixed in next Entities release

Comments (1)

  1. Zec_

    Aug 26, 2021 22:22

    For those who stumble upon this issue report and want a fix before 0.20, here's a forum post from me on what I found out the issue to be and the solution I found.

    A disclaimer is that I am not a Unity employee so this isn't validated or anything, I'm just a regular customer who dug my way to the root of the issue.

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