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[Vulkan][Regression] Artifacts in Standalone player when Frame Debugger is attached

Graphics - General


Steps to repro:

1. Open attached project and 't1' scene;
2. Go to Build Settings (File -> Build Settings);
3. Check 'Development Build' and 'Autoconnect Profiler';
4. Click 'Build And Run';
5. Choose build location and click 'Save';
6. In the Player configuration window select 'Windowed' flag and click 'Play!'
7. In Editor select Frame Debugger tab and click 'Enable';
8. Click once on Player window;
9. In FrameDebugger window select RenderForward.RenderLoopJob calls;
10. Observe standalone player window.

Expected result:
Scene is rendered in debug mode without artifacts (see attached expected.png screenshot).

Actual result:
Artifacts appear in standalone player (see attached actual.png screenshot).
Regression introduced in Unity 2017.2.0.

- Reproducible in 2017.2.0b1, 2017.1.0a1;
- Not reproducible in 2017.1.0f1, 5.6.1p2;
- Reproducible only in standalone build and only on Vulkan graphics API; not reproducible for other graphics APIs.

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