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Visual Studio Editor shows reference errors for unloaded incompatible DLL files

Package: Visual Studio


Reproduction steps:
1. Open the attached project ""
2. In Assets open script_example.cs script
3. Notice that there are no reference errors for the ConcurrentDictionary object
4. Add the attached System.Collections.Concurrent.dll to Assets
3. Click on the DLL file and disable all checkboxes in the Inspector
4. Open script_example.cs script again

Expected result: No reference error for the ConcurrentDictionary object is shown
Actual result: Duplicate reference error for ConcurrentDictionary object is shown even though the DLL file was unloaded and disabled for all platforms including Editor

Reproducible with: 2.0.12 (2019.4.37f1), 2.0.14 (2019.4.37f1, 2020.3.31f1, 2021.2.16f1, 2022.1.0b12, 2022.2.0a9)

- Restarting the Unity or reimporting the script does not fix the error
- Does not reproduce with JetBrains Rider IDE

  1. Resolution Note:

    Our apologize for the late response to this issue. The issue is not the the Visual Studio Tools integration but because of a package that is duplicating DLLs. The packages/codes responsible for such duplicate should address this on their side. Thank you.

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