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Won't Fix

Won't Fix in 1.7.X



Found in [Package]


Issue ID




[Visual Scripting, Script Graph] Functions that are not visible in the function list can be hovered on

Package: Visual Scripting


How to reproduce:
1. Open the user's attached project
2. In the Project window, open Test asset
3. Right-click and type "SendMessage" in the Search box
4. Hover on the last visible function (observe the function explanation below it)
5. Slowly move the mouse cursor down

Expected result: the function explanation keeps changing (meaning that it hovered on the functions that are not visible)
Actual result: the function explanation stays the same

Reproducible with: 1.5.2 - 1.7.1 (2021.1.8f1, 2021.2.0a18)
Could not test with: 2018.4.35f1, 2019.4.26f1, 2020.3.10f1 (Visual Scripting is not available)

Note: The amount of non-visible, hoverable functions depend on how many of them can fit inside the function explanation text field

  1. Resolution Note:

    This will not be fixed

  2. Resolution Note (1.7.X):

    the fuzzy finder will be replaced by "Item library"

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