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Fixed in 2021.3.39f1, 2022.3.21f1, 2023.2.12f1, 2023.3.0b8



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Issue ID




[VFX] Shader warnings thrown after installing Visual Effects Graph package



How to reproduce:
1. Open package manager
2. Install the Visual Effects Graph package

Expected result: No Warnings in the console
Actual result: "Shader warning..." warnings appear in the console

Reproducible with: 12.1.12 (2021.3.31f1), 14.0.9(2022.3.11f1), 15.0.7(2023.1.18f1), 16.0.4(2023.2.0b14), 17.0.1(2023.3.0a11)
Reproducible on: Windows 10 (Both URP and HDRP)

Full warnings:

(DX11, DX12, but both have '(on d3d11)' )

Shader warning in '[05_Head_Trail] [Strip] Initialize Particles': use of potentially uninitialized variable (GetParticleIndex) at kernel CSMain at 05_Head_Trail.vfx(197) (on d3d11)

Shader warning in '[04_Simple_Trail] [Ribbon] Initialize Particle Strip': use of potentially uninitialized variable (GetParticleIndex) at kernel CSMain at 04_Simple_Trail.vfx(181) (on d3d11){code}


Shader warning in 'Sort': use of potentially uninitialized variable (CompareKVP) at kernel MergePass at Sort.compute(96) (on vulkan)
Shader warning in 'Sort': use of potentially uninitialized variable (CompareKVP) at kernel MergeFinalPass at Sort.compute(96) (on vulkan)
Shader warning in 'Sort': use of potentially uninitialized variable (CompareKVP) at kernel BitonicSort4096_128 at Sort.compute(96) (on vulkan){code}

(GLES3, GLCore)
Shader warning in '[06_Firework] [Heads] Update Particles': Buffer count exceeding default GL_MAX_SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER_BINDINGS. Shader might not work on all hw. Consider combining separate buffers into one containing struct elements. at kernel CSMain (on gles3)
Shader warning in '[05_Head_Trail] [Strip] Initialize Particles': use of potentially uninitialized variable (GetParticleIndex) at kernel CSMain at 05_Head_Trail.vfx(197) (on gles3)
Shader warning in 'GenSdfRayMap': HLSLcc: The resource 'rayMap' uses an unsupported type/format for read/write access at kernel RayMapScanX (on gles3)

etc... {code}

Shader warning in 'Sort': use of potentially uninitialized variable (CompareKVP) at kernel BitonicPrePass at Sort.compute(96) (on glcore)  Shader warning in 'Sort': use of potentially uninitialized variable (CompareKVP) at kernel BitonicPrePass2048_128 at Sort.compute(96) (on glcore)




  1. Resolution Note (fix version 2023.3.0b8):

    The warnings about the buffer count on GLES3 will still be present, as VFX Graph does not officially support GLES3.

Comments (1)

  1. unity_299B2B77BFFAD3FCF88C

    Oct 30, 2023 17:22

    These warnings started showing for me after updating from 2022.2.3 to 2022.3.11

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