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Fixed in 2021.3.36f1, 2022.3.20f1, 2023.2.11f1, 2023.3.0b4



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Issue ID




"vector<bool> too long" error is thrown when using UnityYAMLMerge



Steps to reproduce:
1. Open user attached “Repro_I_Received” folder
2. Run the Repro.bat file

Expected result: Runs the Repro.bat file without any errors
Actual result: “vector <bool> too long” error is thrown

Reproducible with: 2021.3.21f1, 2022.2.11f1, 2023.1.0b8, 2023.2.0a6
Could not test with: 2020.3.46f1 (“Invalid rule format at line 38” error is thrown)

Reproduced on: Windows 11 (Intel)
Not reproduced on: macOS Monterey 12.2 (Intel) (can’t run .bat file)

Note: Replace the UnityYAMLMerge file in the “Repro_I_Received” folder from each reproducible with Editor version by going to /Data/Tools

Comments (1)

  1. shifatkhan

    Sep 25, 2023 16:22

    Reproduced Error with 2020.3.36f1 and Fork.

    Scenario: I have Branch A and Branch B, where B is was created from A. Both branches changed the same file. B is trying to merge A into itself.

    One work-around I found is to create a new Branch from A. Then cherrypick each commit from B. The conflict when the conflict arise, the UnityYAMLMerge seemed to have no problem fixing it.

    The issue with this workaround is that it can take a long time if you have many commits.

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