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Fixed in 13.0.0

Fixed in 12.1.4



Found in [Package]


Issue ID




Validation error is usually thrown when Simple Noise Node is both in a ShaderGraph and in a Sub Graph

Package: Shader Graph


How to reproduce:
1. Open the attached "case_1381820" project
2. Observe the "TestGraph" Shader Graph

Expected result: No error is thrown in the Shader Graph
Actual result: "Validation: Function `Unity_SimpleNoise_RandomValue_$precision` has conflicting implementations" is thrown on the Simple and Sub Graph Nodes

Reproducible with: 12.0.0 (2021.2.0a9, 2021.2.0b1), 12.1.1 (2021.2.4f1), 12.0.0 - 13.0.0 (2022.1.0a1, 2022.1.0a11)
Not reproducible with: 7.7.1 (2019.4.33f1), 10.7.0 (2020.3.23f1), 11.0.0 (2021.1.28f1), 12.0.0 (2021.2.0a8), 13.0.0 - 13.1.1 (2022.1.0a12, 2022.1.0a16)

Note: Not reproducible with other Nodes

  1. Resolution Note (fix version 13.0.0):

    Fixed in 13.0.0 (2022.1.0a12)

  2. Resolution Note (fix version 12.1.4):

    Fixed in 12.1.4 (2021.2.9f1)

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