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Fixed in 5.3.7



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[UWP] UnityEvent.RemoveListener doesn't remove event on builds with .NET native

Windows Store Apps


Steps to reproduce:

1. Open and build attached project
2. Run build and when it starts click on "Attach Block" button, this will add event which will the be invoked and removed. As a result "FFC block" will be printed once sphere turns back to white
3. Click button again and notice that this time "FFC Block" is printed twice - this means that listener wasn't removed

Not reproducible with IL2CPP backend or on WSA

Reproduced with: 5.2.5f1, 5.3.6p4, 5.4.0p4, 5.5.0b2
Fixed in 5.3.6p7 and 5.4.1p3.

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