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[UWP] Standalone Input Module doesn't get joystick input until mouse is moved

Windows Store Apps


Repro steps:
1. Open project "" and build to Windows 10 Universal XAML on Windows 10 PC.
2. Plug in Xbox controller.
3. Build and run generated solution.
4. Try to move up/down left controller axis. UI elements are not being selected.
5. Move mouse over the screen (don't need to click anything) and try controller again - now UI elements are being selected.

Workaround: move the mouse, because UWP detects mouse presence on first mouse event.

Comments (2)

  1. robert-ferrese

    May 15, 2017 02:11

    Im surprised that unity marked this as ByDesign without a good workaround. Here is the fix:

    Check the "Force Module Active" checkbox. This will force the input to be enabled even when mouse isnt present. Hope this helps with your xbox development :)

  2. Katastrophe1986

    Apr 22, 2016 03:07

    This workaround doesn't work when you are making a UWP app for Xbox One.

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