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Using mutable structs with Bolt on class variables causes variables to be discarded
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From User Rogue#0728
_Does bounds work differently in Bolt 2? I'm copying a script i've got working in Bolt 1 , which sets the min max of bounds then checks to see if a game object is within those bounds, however it bolt 2 doesn't seem to set the bound size correctly, any suggestions?_
_Seems not setting at all the min max variables are set correctly, just not going any further_
_bolt 1 flow works okay_
Rohit preformed some initial investigation.
_If you have a Unity bounds object and try to set parts of it using the SetMinMax function it doesn't seem to set. Tested it locally and the bug repros._
_I looked into this a little. Seems to be an issue with Unity using mutable structs + Bolt using properties for class variables. When you 'get' the class variable, it gets a copy. The function is called on the copy and the copy is immediately discarded.Can be worked around somewhat by using local graph variables, which are generated as fields rather than properties.Note: not sure about any differences between live and generated mode if any_
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Resolution Note:
Bolt 2 will not be released as its own product. See for details.