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[URP] Setting Shader properties on material instances via script does not work when SRP Batcher is enabled

Package: Shader Graph


How to reproduce:
1. Open the attached '' project and load the 'SRPBatching' scene
2. Locate 'UniversalRP-HighQuality' RP asset and disable SRP Batcher
3. Enter Play mode and observe the color of Spheres
4. Exit Play mode
5. Enable SRP Batcher on the same RP asset
6. Enter Play mode and observe the color of Spheres

Expected result: Spheres' colors are the same with and without SRP Batcher being enabled
Actual result: Spheres' colors are NOT the same with and without SRP Batcher being enabled

Reproducible with: 2019.3.14f1 (7.3.1), 2020.1.0b9, 2020.2.0a11 (8.0.1, 8.1.0)
Could not test with: 2018.4.22f1 (custom ShaderGraph errors)

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