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Fixed in 2022.1.X

Fixed in 2019.4.X, 2020.3.X, 2021.1.X, 2021.2.X



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The upm.log file's debug level includes function calls with confusing names like hxt()



At debug logging level, the upm.log file shows the name of each function that executed in UPM as well as the arguments passed or the value returned. However, the function names appear to be random strings such as "bht()", "fht()" and "xht()".

Steps to reproduce:
1. Go to Edit > Preferences (Windows) or Unity > Preferences (macOS) from the main menu in Unity
2. Set "Package Manager Log Level" to "Debug"
3. Open the upm.log file (
4. In Unity, trigger a Package Manager operation. If the Package Manager window was not open, open it via Window > Package Manager. If the window was already open, trigger a list operation by clicking the Refresh List button in the Package Manager window.

Expected Behaviour:
At debug level, the log file should show the names of UPM functions that executed. Since we just executed a List operation, we should see "list()"

Actual behaviour:
We observe lines in the upm.log file such as:
[2021-04-26T18:37:06.213Z][DEBUG] bht():
args: [
[2021-04-26T18:33:28.885Z][DEBUG] fht():
args: [
[2021-04-26T16:25:25.947Z][DEBUG] xht():
returned: {
Where "bht", "fht" and "xht" are the function names. Note: The actual function names you observe may differ but they will fit this pattern - they will be 3 random letters followed by parentheses, followed by "args" or "returned" on the next line.

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