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UnityTests do not fail when nested coroutines throws an exception
When a test yields an IEnumerator in a coroutine (Playmode UnityTest), Unity will spawn a nested coroutine. When that throws an exception we don't stop the coroutine and fail the test, but run until it times out.
Repro steps:
Create playmode UnityTest
Add a seperate method that returns an IEnumerator and throws an exception after a yield.
Call that method in the UnityTest and yield the IEnumerator.
See the test runner just run until it times out and fails.
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Apr 13, 2022 16:23
My issue was resolved with the help of Unity support. My sample code is fixed with these changes to the CoroutineRunner:
public static IEnumerator CoroutineRunner(IEnumerator enumerator, Action<Exception> onError, CancellationToken? cancellationToken = null)
while (true)
bool hasNext = enumerator.MoveNext();
if (!hasNext) break;
catch (Exception ex)
yield break;
if (enumerator.Current == null)
yield return null;
// Must call recursively to catch exceptions thrown by sub-coruoutines (IEnumerator returning functions).
IEnumerator currentEnum = enumerator.Current as IEnumerator;
if (currentEnum != null)
yield return IterateAndCallbackOnError(currentEnum, onError, cancellationToken);
// For everything else (e.g. YieldInstruction types), just yield on the enumerator.
yield return enumerator.Current;
Feb 18, 2022 00:36
I just discovered this issue with nested IEnumerator functions. We are using the established pattern of catching exceptions in coroutines. So this issue isn't just a testrunner issue. I'm on Unity 2021.2.6f1.
Here's a test class that shows the problem:
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Threading;
using UnityEngine;
public class TestClass : MonoBehaviour
private IEnumerator SubFunc_Throws()
yield return null;
throw new Exception("This won't be caught"); // This exception will not be caught since we're in a subfunction and stack is reset.
private IEnumerator SubFunc_NoThrows()
yield return null;
private IEnumerator PrimaryCoroutine_ThrowsBeforeSubFunc()
yield return null;
throw new Exception("This will be caught"); // This exception will be caught since we aren't in a subfunction.
// yield return SubFunc_Throws();
private IEnumerator PrimaryCoroutine_ThrowsAfterSubFunc()
yield return null;
yield return SubFunc_NoThrows();
throw new Exception("This will be caught"); // This exception will be caught since the stack is back to normal.
private IEnumerator PrimaryCoroutine_NoThrowsSubFuncThrows()
yield return null;
yield return SubFunc_Throws();
public static Coroutine StartCoroutineWithExceptionHandling(
MonoBehaviour monoBehaviour,
IEnumerator enumerator,
Action<Exception> onError,
CancellationToken? cancellationToken = null)
return monoBehaviour.StartCoroutine(CoroutineRunner(enumerator, onError, cancellationToken));
public static IEnumerator CoroutineRunner(IEnumerator enumerator, Action<Exception> onError, CancellationToken? cancellationToken = null)
while (true)
bool hasNext = enumerator.MoveNext();
if (!hasNext) break;
catch (Exception ex)
yield break;
yield return enumerator.Current;
public void Awake()
StartCoroutineWithExceptionHandling(this, PrimaryCoroutine_NoThrowsSubFuncThrows(), onError: (exception) =>
Debug.LogException(exception); // Won't get called
StartCoroutineWithExceptionHandling(this, PrimaryCoroutine_ThrowsBeforeSubFunc(), onError: (exception) =>
Debug.LogException(exception); // Will get called.
StartCoroutineWithExceptionHandling(this, PrimaryCoroutine_ThrowsAfterSubFunc(), onError: (exception) =>
Debug.LogException(exception); // Will get called.
Mar 09, 2021 15:24
Here's the cause (and a suggested fix)