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Fixed in 2023.1.16f1, 2023.2.0b12, 2023.3.0a7



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Issue ID




"UnityException: Could not find the requested Platform Texture Settings" error is thrown when selecting a texture when the Dedicated Server Build Support module is installed and the Build Target is missing from the texture's metadata



Reproduction steps:
1. Open the attached “ASDQWE” project
2. In the Project Window, select “Assets/Tex/leather.png” Texture
3. Observe the Console Window

Expected result: No error is thrown
Actual result: “UnityException: Could not find the requested Platform Texture Settings. This is incorrect, did initialization fail?” error is thrown

Reproducible with: 2023.2.0a15, 2023.2.0b2
Not reproducible with: 2021.3.29f1, 2022.3.6f1, 2023.1.6f1, 2023.2.0a14

Reproducible on: Intel macOS 13.5, Windows 11

* The error is only thrown if the Inspector Window is open
* The Import Settings can not be altered as well and attempting to do so throws the same error
* Selecting the “Assets/Tex/fabric.png” Texture does not result in the error. The difference between these Textures is that the “fabric.png” has “buildTarget: Server” in its metadata

Comments (10)

  1. exiledgames_std

    Jun 15, 2024 20:38

    Update : a full delete of Library did fix the contents, along with not installing mac modules.

  2. exiledgames_std

    Jun 15, 2024 16:59

    problem exist in 6000.0.4f1 and persists in 6000.0.5f1

  3. hytka81

    May 13, 2024 17:19

    Encountering this in 6000.0.0f1 and 6000.0.1f1

  4. blazex64

    Oct 07, 2023 00:24

    Still an issue with 2023.2.0.b11.3021.7889.
    If I knew where the code was, I could fix it on my own.

  5. GilJoWal

    Sep 30, 2023 20:19

    Same issue

    UnityException: Could not find the requested Platform Texture Settings. This is incorrect, did initialization fail?
    UnityEditor.TextureImportPlatformSettings.CacheSerializedProperties (UnityEditor.SerializedProperty platformSettingsArray) (at <ff0947a462f14faa859dad8c7cd13591>:0)
    UnityEditor.TextureImporterInspector.<OnInspectorGUI>b__118_1 (UnityEditor.TextureImportPlatformSettings settings) (at <ff0947a462f14faa859dad8c7cd13591>:0)
    System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T].ForEach (System.Action`1[T] action) (at <07ba9f98d9794cf19aca0392570e5637>:0)
    UnityEditor.TextureImporterInspector.OnInspectorGUI () (at <ff0947a462f14faa859dad8c7cd13591>:0)
    UnityEditor.UIElements.InspectorElement+<>c__DisplayClass72_0.<CreateInspectorElementUsingIMGUI>b__0 () (at <ff0947a462f14faa859dad8c7cd13591>:0)
    UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEvent(Int32, IntPtr, Boolean&)

  6. Queso2469

    Sep 12, 2023 17:53

    Breaks on 2023.1.1f1 with any new assets. Existing assets that other's have imported work fine on the install, but attempting to import new assets breaks them.

  7. GXMark

    Sep 10, 2023 18:28

    Whats interesting is that an already created hdr will work when dropped in the HDRP Global Asset but it will still generate the error on console if clicked upon.

  8. GXMark

    Sep 10, 2023 18:25

    I'm having same issue with unity 2023.1.10f1

  9. dFlynnSo

    Aug 24, 2023 12:24

    Same in clean created Project with 2023.1.10f1

    UnityException: Could not find the requested Platform Texture Settings. This is incorrect, did initialization fail?
    UnityEditor.TextureImportPlatformSettings.CacheSerializedProperties (UnityEditor.SerializedProperty platformSettingsArray) (at <8059afc4969f4faea44ce7e8d8dd149e>:0)
    UnityEditor.TextureImporterInspector.<OnInspectorGUI>b__118_1 (UnityEditor.TextureImportPlatformSettings settings) (at <8059afc4969f4faea44ce7e8d8dd149e>:0)
    System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T].ForEach (System.Action`1[T] action) (at <c4a10e89722742a4b5cd750857e291eb>:0)
    UnityEditor.TextureImporterInspector.OnInspectorGUI () (at <8059afc4969f4faea44ce7e8d8dd149e>:0)
    UnityEditor.UIElements.InspectorElement+<>c__DisplayClass72_0.<CreateInspectorElementUsingIMGUI>b__0 () (at <8059afc4969f4faea44ce7e8d8dd149e>:0)
    UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEvent(Int32, IntPtr, Boolean&)

  10. Loden_Heathen

    Aug 14, 2023 16:41

    We have this issue in Unity 2023.1.8f1
    Cant seem to import .png at all in a clean new project when using HDRP

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