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Under Consideration for 2023.1.X



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Unity Accelerator "CacheMinFreeBytes" configuration value gets reset when reloading the Configuration page in the Accelerator's Dashboard



How to reproduce:
1. Install the Unity Accelerator from a Docker image following the instructions on the given manual page: []
2. In the "unity-accelerator" executable directory run the following command in the terminal: ./unity-accelerator config get CacheMinFreeBytes
3. Observe and note the printed value
4. Run in the Terminal: ./unity-accelerator config set CacheMinFreeBytes 42949672940
5. Repeat steps 2 and 3 and observe that the value has changed
6. Go to the accelerator's Dashboard page on the browser and load the configuration section
7. Repeat steps 2 and 3 and note the value

Expected result: the value is set to 42949672940
Actual result: the value was reset to the one observed previously (in reproduction step 3)

Reproducible on: Ubuntu 20.04

Note: The issue is not reproducible on all system configurations, but no specific conditions were found that are affecting the issue's reproducibility


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