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Unclearable missing reference errors appear when API compatibility is set to Net Framework and Editor compatibility is set to Net Standard.



*Steps to reproduce:*

1.  Start a new project with the Universal 3D Core Template

2. Got to project settings and change the API compatibility is set to Net Framework and Editor compatibility is set to Net Standard.

3. Wait for the compilation to finish

*Actual results:* Notice the console errors:

Library\PackageCache\com.unity.render-pipelines.core\Editor\Lighting\ProbeVolume\ProbeGIBaking.Serialization.cs(329,25): error CS7069: Reference to type 'ReadOnlySpan<>' claims it is defined in 'mscorlib', but it could not be found

*Expected results:* 

No console errors.

*Reproducible with versions:*  6000.0.4f1 to 6000.0.18f1

*Not reproducible with versions:* 6000.0.3f1 or older


*Tested on (OS):*  Windows 11, Ubuntu 20.04. Cannot repro on Mac

  1. Resolution Note:

    Duplicate of another internal issue: UUM-78289: PS4/Xbox issue in PhysicsSamples Compile job

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