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UI Button doesn't change to "Disabled Color" when it gets disabled by Toggle
To reproduce:
1) Create new Unity Project
2) Add "GameObject" --> UI --> Button
3) Change colors like this: "Image" Component color -> Black; Normal Color -> White; Disabled Color -> Red
4) Add "GameObject" --> UI --> Toggle
5) For "On Value Changed" event for Toggle, specify the Button component and "Button --> enabled" for the event
6) Run scene and when you disable the Button through, you'll notice that it does indeed become disabled from click events, however, the Disabled Color is not displayed, instead, an "Image" component color is displayed.
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Aug 17, 2016 09:42
If the "Image" Component color is Black no nuance of black will become anything but black.
Since what highlighted, pressed and disable color do is to multiply that color with the Image color and since black is (0,0,0,1) then anything except a transparent color will be black.
Try changing the image you use to a white image and set normal color to black in the button settings. Then you can do whatever you want with the highlighted, pressed and disabled color!
Jun 25, 2015 18:26
Also, DO NOT set enabled to false. That will disable the Button script and make it not react to the interactable value.
Jan 26, 2015 19:26
Please set interactable to false. Disable color will show.