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Fixed in 0.11.0-preview



Found in [Package]


Issue ID




[UI Builder] Rename state of the element in hierarchy is not canceled when another element is selected

Package: UI Builder


How to reproduce:
1. Open attached project "War of Imbalance (2).zip"
2. In Project window, open "Assets" -> "7. UI" -> "Main Menu" -> "UIMainMenuView (UI Elements View Importer)"
3. In UI Builder Hierarchy, enter the rename state of any element
4. In UI Builder Hierarchy, select any other element
5. Observe the step 3 rename field

Expected result: the field is not in rename state anymore
Actual result: the field is still in rename state

Reproducible with: 2019.3.8f1, 2020.1.0b4, 2020.2.0a5 (0.10.1-preview, 0.10.2-preview)
Not reproducible with: 2019.3.8f1, 2020.1.0b4, 2020.2.0a5 (0.9.0-preview)
Could not test with: 2017.4, 2018.4 (UI Builder was not yet released)

Renaming the element and then pressing Esc to cancel the rename will cause the element to change name to "Visual Element"

  1. Resolution Note (fix version 0.11.0-preview):

    This bug has been fixed. Note that the additional bug (using Esc key will reset name to "Visual Element") has also been fixed.

    Verified in:
    Version 2019.3.3f1
    Package: UI Builder 0.11.0-preview

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