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Won't Fix in 1.4.X



Found in [Package]


Issue ID




UI breaking when switching platforms to build.

Package: Visual Scripting


*Reproducible on:*
* VS version: 1.7.3
* Unity version: 2021.2.0b2-b4
* Platforms: Windows 10 and macOS

*Steps to Reproduce:*
# Create a new project
# Create a gameObject and add a new script to it with a simple debug graph
# Keep the graph window opened
# Go to File->Build Settings and click to switch platforms

*Outcome Results:*
* The UI on the graph windows breaks

* No error message appears on the console.

*Expected Results:*
* UI should not get broken when switching platforms

  1. Resolution Note (1.4.X):

    dummy wont fix

  2. Resolution Note:

    Fix will land on next release

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