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[uGUI] Input Field text can only be submitted using "enter" button



Reproduction steps:
1. Create a new project
2. Create an Input Field
3. Enter Play Mode, select the Input Field and enter some text
4. Press Enter on keyboard
5. Notice how the Caret disappears and text is submitted (the Input Field is de-selected)
6. Exit Play Mode and go Edit -> Project Settings -> Input manager
7. Unbind "Submit" buttons (2 of them or the one that uses "enter" key)
8. Repeat steps 3 and 4

Expected result: the text will not be entered/submitted because the submit button is not binded or it will be possible to bind other buttons to "Submit" button
Actual result: the text is submitted indicating that Input Field text submission cannot be binded to other buttons (Check Notes below)

Reproducible with: 2018.4.26f1, 2019.4.7f1, 2020.1.1f1, 2020.2.0a20

1. It is not possible to enter text into Input Field using a controller for example, or any other key for that matter
2. Also reproducible with Input System package

  1. Resolution Note:

    if we were to listen for the OnSubmit event (either internally capturing Input.GetButtonDown("Submit"), or by changing the EventSystem to send the OnSubmit first) we hit a issue that enter/return are default submit input axis (and should be) but sending these events to disable the inputfield would prevent entering a new line for multiline input fields. There is no good way to differentiate these scenarios.Derive from InputField and override the function if you want different functionality.

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